Monday, July 30, 2007

Taiping Trip...

Kellie's Castle (A Historical Venue in Ipoh)

Last sunday I and my friend planned a trip to go to Taiping, Perak to take my Car back from my Uncle... My car... ermm next time I will post a picture of my car here... Hehe my car is Mitsubishi Storm V6 3.0 engine.

Haha my friend Melvin, Alan Khoo and my wife checking the place out...

Me and my love here in front of the Castle...

Posing ...

Another Snap...

This is the picture taken by my wife while we are walking in a R&R in Tapah... Going back to KL ... The traffic is so so so terrible...I drive like 60 Km/h... hmmmm the highway is being repaired and it is sunday and people are going back to KL for work...

Thats all..

MC Airlines... Hahaha

I went to one place on thursday and it is 15th aniversary there... Their theme for this year is MC Airlines... It stands for Metro Club Airlines... Hahaha all the waiter and waitress there wearing uniforms as air-steward and stewardess... Nice haha I took alot of pictures that day but I think I will only put some up only. Ermmm that day I got back home about 2am omg so tiring man...

They are giving roses to the 3 winners of Miss Metro Club...

This is the Dancers for the day
They Flme Thrower are making my eyes pain... And the whole pub is full of smell...

Another Dancer...
My Friends in Klang...(Ah Kang and Frankie)

Another Friend (Ah Leng)
An entertainer that acts like Elvis Presley...

This is what I get after the Drinking till 2 am lol from lucky draw... Hehe actually we get 2 my friend took 1 and I get this...

Friday, July 20, 2007

A japanese Restaurant that serves Korean food as well...

Me, my wife and my friend Alan went to dinner yesterday in a Japanese Restaurant and they have BBQ pork and such there... Hahaha. It seems like Korean BBQ restaurant that me and my wife went to in Thailand.

The food there seems nice also... Quite delicious and reasonable price as well.
Haha Happily Burning the pork ...
Got the waitress there to help us take a group photo.
Haha hungry guy

We went to a place where the the scenary is pretty nice haha. I call it Jack's Ridge of Malaysia. Tell me whether its nice or not... If you want me to bring u there sure...
Alan posing ...(Actually I was trying my phone camera....)
At last I got a nice picture from my handphone... last time tried to take picture but it came out blurred... This time I made it and it is quite nice...
Another view of the town with the KLCC in it...
Relaxing before I went to Futsal... Hahaha sometimes I do exercise also... Dont see me as if I dont d sports...
See my happy wife haha when I came back from The Philippines...

Philippines, The Story

This country called Philippine is a very strict country but there is some good things about it. It keeps everyone save for the strictness. Can u imagine that when u wanna board a plane you have to take out your shoe, Belt and all others object that could sound of the buzzer in any metal detector? Hehehe your shoes are also required to be scanned so that u cant hide any pen guns and such in it... hahaha This is a very very strict Airport that I have ever went to.

Haha maybe its because guns in Philippines is very very easy to obtain. But every police or security there respect and willing to help in all they can. But of course there is somethings that all country is abit bad... Corruptions... Not only Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and also other countries are full of such people...

Ok thats it nothing to tell u... better tell u more about the day I have some special food... Ok tell u in next post...

The Country that I went... The Philippines.

This country is a very nice country. The country of Hospitality. They have a very high rate of hospitality in all the Cities. Well I and my group that visited Philippines for the first time (for me and Sheikh) was surprisingly great. They really took care of our lodging because they knew my father was a very very good person and a very close friend of them. I really enjoyed the stay there.

Well the best part of it was all our meetings with all the people went out perfectly and we have a great time talking and having our food served with the most respectful waiters and waitresses. Hmm... It seems like I got nothing much to comment about Philippines but fine country. haha.

I never went out for alot of night entertainment but morning times are also good enough for me. Some of the people I met there was really good to us. I will name some of them... Kekeke. Micheal, Sybil, Thea and also Mayby was all great friends. I will not forget them forever... Cheers mates.

I will post some pictures here...
Me and Sheikh having some picture sessions b4 our food is being served.
Some Historical story about this place. Jack's Ridge
Some natives holding Durian in Jack's Ridge
Me posing in front of the monument at the entrance of Jack's Ridge after the dinner.

My 2 best friend in Davao. Sybil and Micheal.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Stay in Cebu

Today is the last day I will be at Cebu. Tomorrow morning I will be leaving to Davao on an early flight at around 10.10am. Lol we are staying in Water Front Hotel here... the hotel looks like a castle here... very very nice and class... Its a 5 star hotel.

This is when we have nothing to do in the airport in Davao waiting for the flight to Cebu lol... actually I should post it long ago but haha I dont felt like blog... A little lazy ...

This is my friend in Davao... I mean my father's friends... Left is Michael (our tour guide), 2nd person is me, 3rd is my father's old friend that help my father manage his business here... forth is the cousin of Roland.

This is michael and Sheikh my partner in de business.

This is the only Malaysian Restaurant in Cebu. The food here is quite good and the only Halal food restaurant here... haha so lucky we could find this Royal Malaysian Authentic Cuisine in this huge and web like city. Hahaha actually we are searching already for 1/2 hour around the Ayala Road and we found it near the intersection of Ayala Road and Gorordo Avenue. The Manager and Owner here is very very friendly. I made friends with them and maybe going to be partners in business too. There is so many opportunity here. The Owner of this Superb Restaurant is the Owner of Felisa Cosmetics in Malaysia. All guys that comes to Cebu for tour tour should come here and try their food and maybe meet up with the well known business person here.

They even have Satay, Nasi Lemak, Teh Tarik and Nasi Goreng Kampung. As other food I am quite lazy t type in cause if I type all it will be quite long and I will have to charge them for advertisement purposes... hahaha joking... Just wanna help friend to say a few good words here...

Maybe I will post a little about the hotel.. haha of course before I go to the airport. Thats all for this time...

Sunday, July 8, 2007


This is where I stay in Davao, Philippines. This hotel is nice haha. Dont really know the rates. My father is a frequent guest here so he stay in the Executive room where I and Sheikh stay in normal rooms.
Today I am so boring but I did went out to the mall with my friend (My roommate Sheikh). We have been left here alone in the hotel so we went out and came back to the hotel. Really bored like crazy man. We were not told of the plans of going to places... zzz
So we went out for a quick lunch and came back late... cause we need to take taxi out to town center. Actually we are not late. My father called me and ask me to come back now but we just got our food in front of us and we rushly finished it and took a taxi to go back to the hotel. I took us like 10 minutes to reach the hotel and they are all gone... Thats so sad man. Cant even wait for me sob sob. Nvm nvm we think there is second choice. I called up Uncle Ramli to tell us if he finished his meeting and we can go with him to Talong and something came ... He told us to go to mall but we never went and waited for him to call... zzz and again he went to Talong and never called us. awwww today is a very disappointing day. Everyone seems to forget about me and sheikh. Now we are waiting for my father to come back and they will have a meeting here in the hotel with a person. I called them and they told me that they will arrive here like about hour time. Now already nearly 1.30 hour and no people are spotted yet.
See what I mean a boring and disappointing day of my life. Sometimes they even never show up. Hmm what is life about anyway haha. Full of unfortunate events can happen.
This is where I sit haha now while typing this post up.
This is Sheikh when we are eating in the Gausino Mall.
Nothing much to do this picture we took in ermmm.. Pancake house,Gausino Mall. This mall is quite big haha bigger then the first one we went. Victoria Mall is the first we went... hmm there is nothing much there but I did saw something that Malaysia cant seems to have haha. Thats "dog contest" haha. I mean they have Dog Show Contest in the Mall.

Day of Entertainment

Haha went out with my friends the other day just to go around the town sight seeing and such. We for some food and some drinks with the new friend or business opportunity partner. We have alot of good friends here and we went to some pubs and such. Well normally they like to treat me so I am so shy to let them so that so I treated them this time.

I just realised that this Philippines they are mostly pork eaters if they are not muslims. Everywhere in the restaurant sure have sell pork. Yummy but not this time cause my friend is a muslim (Sheikh) Erm... no pictures taken. Maybe I will take some pictures to post here haha.

Thats all for this post. Nothing much can say but fun and enjoyed the day.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Trip to Bataan..

Today I went with uncle Ramli to bataan to see a vessel for bunkering Dieseland other types of oils... This vessel is huge. I am so tired today yesterday slept about 4am and today I woke up at 6am to proceed to meet the contact from Singapore.

Uncle Ramli with the tiring face haha.

Tiring trip of 4hours by Van to bataan but all went well and worth it.

We sat down after inspecting and seeing the vessel's condition at a Seafood Restaurant nearby

This is oneof the food we ordered. Its Ikan tenggiri.

The food here is yummy. Haha all I knows how t write is food food food... Dont mind me okay. I am a happy go lucky guy that loves to taste the flavour of foods everywhere I go. After we finished this trip and the lunch we continue our journey back to Manila. Omg the traffic is bad when we reach the outskirt of Manila. We reached the hotel at about 5pm . haha ermm we we so tired and we ended up in bed... But I am still energetic to write or post my blog... Haha actually I am typing this blog soon after I get the internet connection in my Hotel room. It cost like 21 pesos for each minute... so expensive man.. so I have to like type faster so that I can disconnect from the internet...

I am also taking this opportunity to rest and relax . haha times are very fast man... Tomorrow we all will go to Davao by plane. maybe we will stay there like 3 days and we will proceed to Cebu from Davao.. hehe plans plans plans... always running around. I am lucky to get to post this and took some pictures. If not this trip is a waste for me cause this is my first time to step on this Beautiful country.

Thats all from me ... will update more for u all to read.

The day I arrive at Manila...

The day when I arrived at manila I have some appointments set-up by my dad... hahaha so many people to meet yet so little time... I reach Manila like 4.35pm. After we reach the airport we went straight to the parking lot to meet my father's friend to be sent to the Hotel... I am now staying in Hotel Heritage. The rooms here are nice but the price is abit crazy 118USD haha. Maybe we are foreigners thats why they charge us differently.
This is the toilet.... with a bath tub at the other side...
This is my room mate and partner for the whole trip. His name is Sheikh.
This is me resting at 3.30am. just reach room from all the meetings and such.

See the bed how nice... hahaha 4 pillows.. the 2 white ones are very very soft.

The whole view of the room. This room is quite small actually but we have enough space for we are only 2 person haha. Well this rooms we rented seems like the place to put our luggage haha. Hmm I seemed to have the speeling check on lol. Luckily, I dont have to be like crazy and search for dictionary. Well the meeting went smoothly and the people here is very very friendly and nice. We met this Mr. Romy and Mdm. Jennifer, they are really nice to us. Mdm. Jen bring us out for dinner at the same day and we ate our dinner is somewhere near the hotel. Yummy I am so full today haha... We ate like 4 main dishes and some drinks. Those Main dishes includes crab, Fish, Fish and more Fish... Haa they love fish here. Thanks to Mdm. Jen to open my day here. haha ok thats all for the day.

This is the guy that comes with Mdm. Jen. They are so nice.. Haha this middle one is a Basketball player see how tall is he. haha.

Will write more about 6th July later.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

A Post Before I fly

Haha... few days nothing to post in here tho... nothing special so hard to think of things to post... kekeke well this is what I will post before I go to the airport to depart to Manila, Philippines. I am going there with my father and some of his friends for business. Some businessman will be there too. Asked my father whats the plan there... well he said that we will be going to Manila for few days and then we will head of to bataang then maybe to Davao for few days b4 we head back to Manila to depart back home.

I hope there is Free Wifi there so that I can get online and post some updates of myself haha. Foremost is for me "playing game" haha. Its about it cant think of anything to post. Hope that there is alot of things for me to post... omg just remembered that this is the first time I step into the Philippines. haha.
Try to put a picture of mine but cant lol nvm nvm...

Sunday, July 1, 2007


Relaxation.... Hmm do u guys like to relax? or going to massage parlors? I love to go to massages. It gives me the chance to relax and forget about the world outside. Especially Thai Traditional Massage.

They can trace your sickness from the back of your neck or even under your feet. There is so many types of massages in this world. Some massage only provoke your sexual life... some of them gives you longevity... others gives u pleasure and relaxation. I went to a massage parlor named Virgo Foot Reflexalogy in Bandar Bukit Tinggi, Port Klang. This shop is a good place to visit if you are near here or maybe feels like going to massage.
This shop is nothing like those other shops I have ever went. Some of then just wanna provoke your sexual and ask u to have special service where they will earn from that services... hmmm this shop will do pure Thai Traditional Massages. I mean I feel good when they crack every single bone that your body have. aww that seems hurt to some people ahahaha...

I will show u the picture of me and my sister enjoying the massage. Haha I am enjoying myself while this girl is pressing on my feet. Of course before she start massaging they will eventually wash it first... *for those that have bad smelled feet better put on some fragrants first before visiting them...
Kekekeke. They have body massage too and also Oil Massage. Hmm I shouldn't advertise their shops here lol.

See my sister's face she is actually in pain Lol. Hmm but she felt relaxed after that... But today I went shopping with her in Ikea... again haha it takes us like 5-6 hours to finish walking in Ikea... haha

This is the master that massage my sister's foot haha..
Thats all for this time.. will introduce to you more shops on relaxation and foods...