Sunday, July 8, 2007


This is where I stay in Davao, Philippines. This hotel is nice haha. Dont really know the rates. My father is a frequent guest here so he stay in the Executive room where I and Sheikh stay in normal rooms.
Today I am so boring but I did went out to the mall with my friend (My roommate Sheikh). We have been left here alone in the hotel so we went out and came back to the hotel. Really bored like crazy man. We were not told of the plans of going to places... zzz
So we went out for a quick lunch and came back late... cause we need to take taxi out to town center. Actually we are not late. My father called me and ask me to come back now but we just got our food in front of us and we rushly finished it and took a taxi to go back to the hotel. I took us like 10 minutes to reach the hotel and they are all gone... Thats so sad man. Cant even wait for me sob sob. Nvm nvm we think there is second choice. I called up Uncle Ramli to tell us if he finished his meeting and we can go with him to Talong and something came ... He told us to go to mall but we never went and waited for him to call... zzz and again he went to Talong and never called us. awwww today is a very disappointing day. Everyone seems to forget about me and sheikh. Now we are waiting for my father to come back and they will have a meeting here in the hotel with a person. I called them and they told me that they will arrive here like about hour time. Now already nearly 1.30 hour and no people are spotted yet.
See what I mean a boring and disappointing day of my life. Sometimes they even never show up. Hmm what is life about anyway haha. Full of unfortunate events can happen.
This is where I sit haha now while typing this post up.
This is Sheikh when we are eating in the Gausino Mall.
Nothing much to do this picture we took in ermmm.. Pancake house,Gausino Mall. This mall is quite big haha bigger then the first one we went. Victoria Mall is the first we went... hmm there is nothing much there but I did saw something that Malaysia cant seems to have haha. Thats "dog contest" haha. I mean they have Dog Show Contest in the Mall.

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