Saturday, June 30, 2007

Back to Memory Lane...

I cant fell asleep tonight... Actually its already 2 nights... dunno what happened to me... I have been thinking alot from my pass days. I mean my young life. When I was a kid, I leave in KL with my grandmother and aunties. They treated me as if their own child. Was so so so happy then... kekeke but was a little cheeky that time until sometimes they have to punish me this and that for the reasons...

I was thinking alot about the time when I was still in my 13's or 15's. Thats the time when I was a little sissy... Hahaha thats what my sister always says. Because a little of thing happened to me I will surely cry and cry and cry. Hmmm happy moments...and some sad moments... I forgotten when my grandfather pass away. But that time was the most sad time I have ever had. Hmm about my father's death... I am still not sure what happened. But my mother and aunties told me that my father's death was an accident. When my father passed away I was still a little baby aged 2 weeks old... How sad was that? I think I have no impression of my own daddy... But in my heart he will always be there.

I have my mother working her ass of to support me. My aunties supporting me to study. I have like 4 God-Mothers in my life. 1st of all my Ko-1 she gives me money to go to school everyday... She cared alot to me and so good to me . She even bring me to my first tour to Hong Kong when I am only 10 years old. I love and cared for her very much. She always scold me for those little things that I have done wrong but never really beat me. As a kid, Everybody sure have done wrong things... thats where we learn from mistakes so that we dont do it when we were older.

2nd is my Ko - 2 she fetch me to school everyday when I was in secondary school. Sometimes she will give me some pocket money for no reasons. Help me with some of my comic books. hahaha The old days are now over... missed it so much... 3rd of all, Ko-3. She always buys the things that I loved and in trend... like marbles, cards, and alot more. I really loved her alot... not for those things she buy but the way she cared for me to learn and do something healthy then running from school or skipping classes. Hmm suddenly my head went blank... kekeke. Oh ya she always treats me with all the food that I love... yum yum...

Lastly my Ko-5, she helps me out sometimes but nothing much about her cause she is busy with her jobs...

my grandmother always nags at me for speaking cantonese in the house hahahaha... Such a happy memories... how could I ever forget about it. Really have a different life in Klang now...
Sometimes my mother nags at me for some reasons...

When I was staying with my grandmother, I was very very happy when my mother comes to fetch me from the house to go to stay with her in her house for the weekend. I always enjoys the stay in my mother's house in Taman Muda. My grandmother's house is in Taman Yulek. In Taman Muda, all my friends there is Malay cause the area is full of Malays and there is only few chinese there. Those chinese there are not that friendly... They seems to keep themselves in the house all the time but only 1 chinese friend of my there...

Hmm thats all for this time...

To Be Continued................

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