Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Adventure day...

Yesterday I slept about 3am, Woke up today at 6.30am.As usual I will go to the toilet bath and do my wake-up routine. After all that I go to my mother's house and pick-up my brother and my lil' nephew to school as my mother was on her flight to Sarawak for some business. I was so surprised today that the traffic was not heavy and I successfully send them to school and be back home by about 8.30am (Left home about 7am). After reaching home, as usual I will be sitting infront of my PC "My Second Wife". At about 9am+ I head back to bed for a little nap but thanks to my so disturbing sister I was awoke at about 10am and abit drunk (B'coz a short nap makes u like dizzy and such). Aiyo I tell her I just Slept not long. and yesterday I dont have much sleep. She insisting me to wake up. So the day starts there.

After I done all my things, she ask me to accompany her to Damansara "her house" to take some document and go to the bank for some business of hers. So I become the Amat again "Amat = Driver". I was always forced to become the driver wherever we go "family trips". Haha we reach Damansara Jaya and she goes to do her things. After all that we went for a short lunch. Aiyo lunch at 1-Utama is not a short lunch as searching for parking will take already about 20 mins. lol both of us was so frustrated to see even weekdays the parking at 1-utama was fully packed. We went there to meet her husband to eat in a new restaurant "Ramen Restaurant". The restaurant was quite nice and alot of customer too as it was just opened for business not so long ago. Hehee this Restaurant was the customer of my Cher-Fu "Cher-Fu = Brother In Law".

So we ordered some food and we have to rust back to fetch my brother from school. His school finished at about 3.30pm and we were like 3.15pm still in Damansara. We rush to my sister's house to change car cause we affraid there is problem with the car we are driving... There is weird sound coming from the left or right back tyres. So as u know "Rushing People" seems to have forget things easily. My sister forget to get her cook book back to my mother's house to bake some cup-cakes. Nvm we for the cook book but the recipe was all over the internet as we browse thru it. hahaha... My sister said " Aiyo all the recipe also got in the internet why should i buy it..." The Book cost RM90 man... haha

So me and my sister cooked some cup-cakes and it was a success and the kids love them very much. i enjoyed the cupcakes too but I never have the chance to take photo of them to show u guys. Thats all for the day. Hope u enjoy my day of adventure.

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