Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Do you believe in GOD?

Everyone have their own believes. Everyone have their own GOD. But who is the real GOD?

What I believe is Buddha. What my mum believe is Allah. My cousin believes in Jesus. So which one is better? This questions is always being ask around the world for centuries but there is no answer for that. For what I think is the fact that GOD is in everyone's heart no matter Allah, Buddha nor Jesus is better then each other. Actually GOD is a believe and trust of each person's heart. Without a believe some people will have discouragement in the things they do. Some people pray 24/7, some people even crazy about praying, some people even trying to use the GOD to cheat others. For me GOD is just one. Trust and encouragement.

I do believe in GOD cause I can feel that it is looking at us every time and everywhere we go. I just felt it this recently and thinking back about what had happened.

Story starts :

At first I wanted to buy a cute little puppy from Hadyai, Thailand. There is many obstacles occurred the day when I tried to see the doggy. The owner seems to be so busy that the dog is not around the place where we already arranged to meet. The next day we tried to make another appointment for the following day. So we finally got to see Jacky for the first time.  Me. my wife and my friends go to see the doggy and he was so cute. OMG so lovely puppy. Then we tell them we will take it so she bring him back to the owner to take a shower and such (preparation). At the same time my friend also bought a chihuahua. So we are planning to arrange the transport for both Jacky and the chihuahua to get to Malaysia.So my friend told the tour guide in Hadyai to try to find someone that could bring the puppies out from the border.

The friend came back the next day, to tell us the person that he knows already when for vacation for a week. OMG so how to bring the dog back home??? He told us to just bring the puppies straight to the border then just ask some people there to bring them over the border. The cost itself already is around 100RM. for each pups. Well we have difficulties in that place cause we don't know people around so we try to ask the Van driver to arrange for us and he did it. But then the motorcyclist that bring out the puppies later ask for extra 50RM each after he bring across the border. Hmm this is outrages my friends said. but we paid them so there is no trouble after that.

I spent around 500RM++ for Jacky to live with me and my wife. We treated him like our child cause we not yet have any child of our own yet. So cute and playful he is. Laughters and anger sometimes but worth it cause the dog really given us a luck. After 2-3 months Jacky with us my wife was pregnant. Miracle occurred. After 6 long years we are trying to have a baby but no luck at all... After Jacky came and my wife is pregnant. Can u believe it? Jacky really brings me and my wife happiness... He is just like a god-sent pet to us.

Until recently my wife is 8 months pregnant and my son Jacky (puppy) sneaked out to the street to have a pee and he was napped away from US. OMG I was shocked when my wife called and told me that Jacky was missing. :( Sad. My wife cried the whole afternoon. We missed him so much. END

What I think is that GOD sent him here for him to bless us with a child and then it is time for him to be away. Maybe he knows that when the baby is out he will harm the baby. :( I missed u so much Jacky hoping u well with the other person who you are with.

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